Web Application Development - The Rule We Follow

All comes by One - that’s just not our way to define as well as by implementation of modern design and development principles, we create tailored and interactive web solutions. Our team of software architects, developers, testers, project managers, and quality assurance specialists work dedicatedly to provide a quality service within a quick turnaround time.

R n D

We conduct thorough market research on your industry and competitors to strategize a future-proof web app. Accordingly, we ideate the entire project plan and seek approval from you.

UI and UX Feature

Dipiction a fantastic UI and offering a top-notch user experience are at the core of our development procedure. We ensure that the site structure and interactive features offer a seamless user journey.

Development Streategy

Akodars present a sophisticated web design that reflects your brand aesthetics. Our efficient developers bring your digital destination to life.

API Deveolopment

With a rich blend of responsive and expressive UI and customized APIs, our specialists can leverage the built-in Material Design of Flutter. We also use various flutter APIs like animation & motion APIs, and iOS-flavour (Cupertino) widgets to enhance the app experience.

Quality Assurance

Our rigorous QA procedure includes checking security, speed and overall functionality of the web application. We ensure to keep your website user-friendly at all time. Akodars beleive in good quality.

Maintenance & Support

Overall Process that is depends on maintaining after complition. Akodars are always stand behind you for supporting your brand.

Building Progressive Web Apps Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are the bridge between native mobile apps and web applications. It is the new generation applications that are developed using technologies like HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. However, it performs like a native app with a personalized user experience. Since a lot of enterprises are opting for PWAs, we are taking advantage of creating seamless user experience across all devices with PWAs.

Mobile Responsive Application Today, more than 4.68 Billion people are using smartphones. So, you cannot ignore the user base. Hence, we ensure the web application we design and develop is mobile-friendly, keeping the UX human-centered. The result? Your users are glued to your app even when they are not using their laptops.